Dates for next Summer are here! We're busy planning for Summer 2019, and are able to release the dates for our three main events:
You can download a Summer 2019 Poster here.
Awarding Committee meets to assess & verify submissions. The Diocesan Pope John Paul II Awarding Committee met last night to assess, verify and confirm the Awards for all record cards, presentations and projects submitted for 2017/18.
The committee were pleased with the continued high standard of submissions and the clear evidence of the different activities undertaken by participants in their parishes and communities. All award participants and parish award leaders have been emailed their results. If you have not received an email, please get in touch [email protected]. The Annual Award Ceremony will take place on Friday March 1st 2019, at the Slieve Russell Hotel. Parish Award Leaders have been sent all invitations for their group. We would be grateful if all those planning to attend could RSVP here. All the team at Clogher don Óige would like to congratulate and thank our Parish Award Leaders on another successful year! We are constantly looking for volunteers to assist young people in our parishes in working towards the Pope John Paul II Award... is this something that interests you? Get in touch - [email protected] *We have a new Bishop!!! The news has just been announced that Pope Francis has appointed Monsignor Larry Duffy, current Parish Priest of Carrickmacross, to be the next Bishop of the Diocese of Clogher!
We have been without a Bishop now for a little over two years since Bishop Liam McDaid's resignation on health grounds. We keep Bishop-Elect Larry in our prayers as he prepares to begin this new chapter of his priestly ministry. We look forward to working with him in the future and have lots of dates to be put in his diary!! |
January 2025