The Pope John Paul II Award recognises young peoples commitment to faith and community. Making young people visible in their church, community & society. On November 15th we gathered to celebrate the achievements of the 10th group of young people in the Diocese of Clogher to receive their Pope John Paul II Award. (L-R): James McLoughlin, Youth Ministry Director, Clogher don Óige; Fr. Leo Creelman, Chairperson & Spiritual Director, Clogher don Óige; Mr. Gerald Harbinson, The Knights of Saint Columbanus; +Bishop Larry Duffy, Bishop of Clogher; Sister Veronica & Sister Rosa, Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal; Mrs. Eileen Gallagher, Diocesan Awarding Committee. We were pleased to have Sister Veronica and Sister Rosa of the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal, from Saint Anthony's Convent in Drogheda join us. Also in attendance was Mr. Gerald Harbinson, the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Saint Columbanus. Sister Veronica shared the story of her journey to religious life with and her message to young people was to listen to the voice of the Lord throughout their lives and not to be afraid to go where He leads them. In total 126 young people from 21 parishes across the diocese achieved their award. Bishop Duffy, in his remarks, expressed hope that the completion of the Award would not see the young people end their involvement in the life of their parish communities. He also commended all of the volunteer Award Leaders who generously give so much in journeying and accompanying the youth in their parishes.
November 2024