*UPDATE* 16th March 2020 Given the current situation this project has been suspended. On this World Day of Social Justice we launch our new project to support those who find themselves homeless. Alongside The Big Cathedral Sleepout, which will support the work of The Peter McVerry Trust we are asking people to put together "Homeless Backpacks", or donate items during Lent that we can use to put these backpacks together. A list of items can be found below: Donations can be dropped off (by Friday 27th March) at either of our offices (Monaghan & Enniskillen) please contact us: [email protected] A group of young adults from across the Diocese will travel to Dublin with the backpacks and give them to the homeless people they encounter on the streets of the city.
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Friday 3rd - Saturday 4th April 2020 @ Saint Macartan's Cathedral, Monaghan *UPDATE* 16th March 2020 Due to the current situation and public health guidelines this event has been postponed. We will rescheduled in the future. Clogher don Óige and young people from across the Diocese will be giving up a night of comfort and sleeping out at Saint Macartan’s Cathedral in Monaghan. They’ll be wrapping up in their winter woollies for a night to raise awareness of homelessness in our society today. Young people age 15+ are welcome to join us. We will be hearing from Fr. Peter McVerry who works with the homeless in Dublin, find out more about the complex issues surrounding homelessness through simulations and activities, pray for healing for those in need and raise money for this worthy cause. Participants are asked to undertake fundraising as part of this event. We will be organising transport for this event from Enniskillen. Funds raised will support the work of The Peter McVerry Trust and Clogher don Óige. Once registered participants and parents/guardians will receive an email with further information, including a consent form. A sponsorship card (if requested) will be sent by post.
January 2025