Our plan going forward...
So firstly, get in contact with your Parish Award Leader. Please be aware that due to the current Coronavirus pandemic and restrictions in place they may not be able to assist you as they normally would. Advice and tips for completing the reflection piece are below.
Again, due to current pandemic we are encouraging participants to forward all their paperwork (record card and reflection) electronically to their Parish Leader, or if necessary to the Clogher don Óige office: [email protected]
Again, due to current pandemic we are encouraging participants to forward all their paperwork (record card and reflection) electronically to their Parish Leader, or if necessary to the Clogher don Óige office: [email protected]
Completing your reflection...
What does it mean to you to be a baptised member of the Church? (250 words guidance)
The following videos will be useful:
A personal reflection and evaluation on your parish involvement and social awareness world. (800 words as guidance)
This is a PERSONAL reflection so you should write about what you actually experienced. The way you view the world is completely different to someone else. And you will have had a unique experience in helping out in your Parish and in your community. So do not be afraid to be honest about your experience.
Think about how you felt whilst helping out. This may have been a huge deal for you where you had to really push yourself to be more outgoing, or maybe you had a conversation that really surprised you. Dig deep! Now is the time to really think about how you have changed as a person because of the JPII Awards.
You have something to offer the Church that no one else has! Did you get an opportunity to think about what it is you can contribute to the life of the Church. Are you good and music and have talked about how you could use your skills to raise money for a charity? Are you a people person who loves to chat to other people and found that visiting a Nursing home really fulfilled you?
Think about how you felt whilst helping out. This may have been a huge deal for you where you had to really push yourself to be more outgoing, or maybe you had a conversation that really surprised you. Dig deep! Now is the time to really think about how you have changed as a person because of the JPII Awards.
You have something to offer the Church that no one else has! Did you get an opportunity to think about what it is you can contribute to the life of the Church. Are you good and music and have talked about how you could use your skills to raise money for a charity? Are you a people person who loves to chat to other people and found that visiting a Nursing home really fulfilled you?
Your reflection on how the teachings of Christ are relevant to your chosen activities. (250 words as guidance)
Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades.”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
This is where you make the link between the ACTIONS you have completed and your FAITH. The two are interconnected and will help you understand what Jesus meant when he said "whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto me" (Matthew 25:45
Catholic Social Teaching will help you out here...this is a great website to look at http://www.catholicsocialteaching.org.uk/principles/
There are several themes that fall under the Catholic Social Teaching umbrella but they all boil down to us all having a special place in Creation - with a care for the world and for each other.
Check out the great reflections that you can also find on their website http://www.catholicsocialteaching.org.uk/resources/reflections/
Think about how you can use some of the things Jesus said in the Gospels, particularly about service. Go through a Bible at home - turn to the Gospels at the beginning of the New Testament and have a look at the titles you will find there. Jesus' Parables are a great place to start. Use some of the Scripture you find in your reflection.
Catholic Social Teaching will help you out here...this is a great website to look at http://www.catholicsocialteaching.org.uk/principles/
There are several themes that fall under the Catholic Social Teaching umbrella but they all boil down to us all having a special place in Creation - with a care for the world and for each other.
Check out the great reflections that you can also find on their website http://www.catholicsocialteaching.org.uk/resources/reflections/
Think about how you can use some of the things Jesus said in the Gospels, particularly about service. Go through a Bible at home - turn to the Gospels at the beginning of the New Testament and have a look at the titles you will find there. Jesus' Parables are a great place to start. Use some of the Scripture you find in your reflection.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5: has 16
Conclusion. (200 words as guidance)
How has completing the Parish Involvement activities given you an insight and understanding as to how important it is for young people to play an active role in the life of our parishes?
Pope Francis recently wrote a special letter to young people, this Papal Exhortation, entitled "Christ is Alive!" (Christus Vivit), is a powerful call to all Christian young people - the Holy Father encourages you to truly live life to the full, with Christ. There are some key parts of this letter that can be useful for you in thinking about your conclusion... read more about Christus Vivit here.
Pope Francis recently wrote a special letter to young people, this Papal Exhortation, entitled "Christ is Alive!" (Christus Vivit), is a powerful call to all Christian young people - the Holy Father encourages you to truly live life to the full, with Christ. There are some key parts of this letter that can be useful for you in thinking about your conclusion... read more about Christus Vivit here.