Open to 16-18 year olds 4th - 9th July 2025 Price Approximately €995
As part of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, Clogher don Óige gives young people (aged 16-18) from parishes across the diocese the unique opportunity to journey to a place of great healing and prayer. As a group, the young people who travel with Clogher don Óige support the less able members of the Diocesan Pilgrimage, enabling them to take part in the large gatherings, liturgies, prayer services and Masses. Due to high levels of interest, we begin the recruitment process by asking interested young people to submit an ‘Expression of Interest’ form - this process has now closed, we will be in contact with all those who submitted a form soon.
1st Full Group Meeting (and Parent Meeting @3pm) Saturday 1st March - 10.30am-4pm - Saint Joseph's PastoralCentre, Monaghan
Local 'Cluster Group' Meetings 1. week beginning 7th April 2. week beginning 12th May *venues/times etc. will be decided once we know the geographical composition of the group
Final Preparation Day & Mass of Sending Saturday 28th June - beginning at 11am in Saint Joseph's PastoralCentre, ending with 6pm Mass in the Cathedral.