Solemnity of Christ the King - World Youth Day Liturgy Resources (including Commissioning)3/11/2024 The Global Celebration of Young People, which takes place every year on the Solemnity of Christ the King, is an annual celebration of youth and young adults that is undertaken at the local levels of the Church, such as dioceses, parishes, schools, and chaplaincies.
Encourage Award participants to be involved in the following areas of the Liturgy:
A minimum of two officially appointed leaders, who have completed the Church body recruitment process (including the provision of Garda Vetting/AccessNI checks, if appropriate), should be responsible for each activity involving young people. At least one of the leaders must have undergone a safeguarding information training session provided by trainers registered with the NBSCCCI. These leaders must sign this sheet and put their initials under each date to confirm that the children/young people and adults marked were in attendance, as indicated by the ‘time in’ and ’time out’ for each date. ![]()
Once complete, or when current year of the Pope John Paul II Award has concluded, attendance form should be submitted to Parish Safeguarding Representative for secure storage for parish records.